I wondered about this Watch Thread feature.  I've wanted to use it but 
(at least in Netscape 6.2.1) I haven't been able to tell how or if it 
does anything at all.  If this feature isn't broken, could someone 
please explain how it works?  I'd like to use it.  I'm planning on 
downloading 0.9.8 when it comes out.

Christian Biesinger wrote:

> Kenneth Pardue wrote:
>> Not to toot the Devil's horn too much, but will the future NS/Mozilla 
>> work with the mail notification on the Windows XP user login screen 
>> (where it says a user has x number of messages on y account).
> I think that this feature already exists. But as I don't have Windows 
> XP, I couldn't say for sure.
>> In mail, will it inform me that I have message in the taskbar? 
> Not right now, but work is being done on this.
>> Stay there until all my messages are read, go away once I open 
>> Netscape Mail, etc.? 
> It will stay there until you read one of the new messages.
>> Will it function correctly when all my browser/mail windows are closed? 
> Doubtful. But this is a known wish, and at some time this will probably 
> be possible.
>> Will newsgroups allow to you watch a thread, being able to highlight it? 
> This is possible (see Watch Thread in the message menu).
> However, right now there's no visual indication if you watch a thread 
> (Using View/Messages/Watched Threads with unread works, though.) This is 
> a known issue.
>>  I noticed that Netscape seems to automatically check the newsgroups 
>> and download headers when the mail program is launched, will it 
>> highlight the newsgroup if there are new messages to the watched 
>> thread (again, not to toot the Devil's horn with OE).
> Hm, I don't think this is possible right know, and I'm not sure if this 
> is planned for the future.
>> Will there (finally) be some themes coming out more often after 1.0? 
> Well, if theme designers will design some themes, yes, else no ;)
>> Maybe it's me, but the modern color scheme looks kinda drab compared 
>> to the high contrasting colors of XP.
> I'm pretty sure that the classic theme looks much more like your XP 
> Theme than Modern.
>> Will it be able to integrate all of the streaming players, Real, 
>> Windows Media, or whatever.  It already does quicktime rather well, 
>> doesn't it?
> Well, all three of them work for me (on windows).

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