"JTK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Ortwin Glück wrote:

> WHOA there buddy. Now, Maozilla may be chock full 'o' bugs, but it's not
> bad. Now, I'm the first person to say where the lizard needs help, but in
> area of taking their time to do it right they have no problems. I got them
> fix the context menu, the cache bug, and they're on the way to producing
> best build yet (thanks to me) with 0.9.8. Two more months, and no more
> graphics, and we'll have the best browser around. I'm going to have to
whip them
> into shape with mail/news, though. I don't say it too much for fear
they'll get
> lazy, but Mozilla really is the best browser to come along in a long time.

Tell me one single area where Mozilla outperforms Opera and Explorer? Just
one please.

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