My $0.02:

I would contend that this is more than perception.  I would rather
have a page immediately show and then redraw a couple of times, even
if it is overall slower.  I can get an idea of what I'm looking at,
visually scan for what interests me, and then start reading.  If I
wait ten seconds with my hands poised over the keys, only to discover
I need to click through and the page is bogus, it just adds

Another way of putting this: even if IE takes longer to completely
render the page, I can USE the page faster under IE than Mozilla.


On Sun, 03 Feb 2002 16:20:58 -0800, tradervik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I checked this out on my high powered PC at work (1Ghz, 512 Mb, NT) and 
>something interesting:
>Total page re-display time for IE and Moz seems about the same (about a 
>Moz may even be a little bit faster. However, when you press 
>forward/back in IE, the
>page immediately changes whereas, in Moz, the page does not change 
>In IE, some time is then spent redrawing. In Moz, when the page does 
>change, it
>appears all at once.

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