RV wrote:
> JTK wrote:
> > Rob, the first thing you have to learn about mozilla is that you'll
> > never get a straight answer on speed and size from AOL.  To answer your
> > question, no, nothing significant has been done to improve the
> > situation.  Mozilla still lags way behind IE and NC4.7x on all speed and
> > footprint numbers.
> What? You still using a 486 SX-25 "loaded" with 16 meg of RAM? ;-) Time
> to get a PC upgrade
> Using an Athlon 1.33 gHz/384 meg of RAM/ TNT2 Nvidia video card here and
> IT FLIES!  ;-)  ...

Yeah, I know IE and NC4.7x BOTH fly on semi-modern hardware.  I was
referring to *Mozilla*.

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