On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 22:37:34 -0800, Garth Almgren

>JTK wrote:
>> RV wrote:
>>>Using an Athlon 1.33 gHz/384 meg of RAM/ TNT2 Nvidia video card here and
>>>IT FLIES!  ;-)  ...
>> Yeah, I know IE and NC4.7x BOTH fly on semi-modern hardware.  I was
>> referring to *Mozilla*.
>I've got an Athlon 800, and both IE6 and NS4.7x are relatively slow and 
>buggy compared to the last couple weeks of Moz nightly builds. IE 
>outcrashes Moz by a factor of about 6:1. Even worse, when IE crashes, it 
>takes Windows Explorer down with it!
>I'll keep my Moz, thanks. The only reason to keep IE around is that my 
>bank requires it to log on to PC banking. :0)

Sounds like it is time to change banks!

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