Just wanted to make this point perfectly clear: I like Mozilla! Since 
the day I downloaded a month ago, I've been trying hard to use it 
whenever possible, restarting it if it crashed, and importing all my 
mail from Outlook Express.

If I didn't like Mozilla, I wouldn't be here asking questions about it 
and critisize it. I would simply uninstall it and stick with old IE.

Kryptolus wrote:
>> Mozilla should add every little feature they can find in IE/OE, and 
>> make sure they do it all better! If Outlook Express has more advanced 
>> filtering options than project Mozilla, something is wrong.
> The opinions that you put forth already have been pointed out many times 
> before

That's good! It shows that people actually wants this to be the best 
alternative out there. If just one guy asks for better mail filtering 
(for example), that's not worth much. But if many people are all asking 
for the same feature, maybe someone in the Mozilla crew listens to it. 
After all, we decide if we want to keep Mozilla or not.

This is the first feature I've found that Mozilla lacks that I really 
depend on. All other flaws, I can live with, knowing that those will 
probably improve as time goes by.

Mozilla is a *living* project. I download new builds every weekday, 
which is very exciting and unusual (although I miss a traditional 
"whatsnew.txt" file that explains what's been changed in every nighly 
build). As long as the project is living, Mozilla is just going to get 
better and better. And as long as it's getting better and better, people 
will stick with it. And as long as people stick with it, the project 
will live on...

I just wanted to point this out to everyone (and Kryptolus in 
particular) who doubt that I an enthusiastic about Mozilla. I am!

/ David

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