Blake Ross wrote:
>> If not, why put so much effort in supporting skins in Mozilla? Truth 
>> is, most of the users doesn't care much of skin support in a browser.
> Who is putting "so much effort"?  No one that I can see.  You admitted 
> you're new here, why are you making such presumptions?

It's not a presumption. XUL. That's a _big_ effort in making Mozilla 

>> My initial point was that there is much effort in making Mozilla 
>> skinnable, with a solid API foundation to work with, but most users 
>> would benefit from customizable toolbars instead of skins.
> "Most users" would benefit from neither. I doubt most people have moved 
> or customized the toolbars in any program.

Read about the #1 usability problem in Mozilla here:$35

This article is actually written by a staff member of Mozilla, so this 
is serious stuff. If you doubt people wants to customize the looks of an 
application, you're being ignorant.

Fortunately, my suggestions of a customizable toolbar is already 
assigned and will most probably be incorporated:

/ David

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