Sören Kuklau wrote:
> Skylark wrote:
> > my download manager cannot seem to jump in and take the download with
> > Mozilla.  even when I try and hold the Control and Alt buttons.  how do
> > I get My getright to work with Mozilla 098 32 bit.  thanks.
> >
> this is a known issue. try to drop links to the getright drop target
> manually.
> --
> Regards,
> Sören Kuklau ('Chucker')

When a link only wants to DL some HTML, I:
  1. Start the download
  2. Highlight the download address in the progress box
  3. Drag highlighted Address to the GetRite drop box
  4. Click save
  5. Cancel the first download and use only the GetRite one.

Sounds a bit complicated but it's not all that bad.


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