Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:

> Kryptolus wrote:
>> You know. He probably believes it's his job as a man to protect the
>> women of this planet from all the dirt.
>> Don't forget to keep the women inside the house. You never know what bad
>> things can happen to them in the real world!!
>> Any case. Drop the 'manly' act. This is how opression of women worked in
>> the first place.
> Yes I do if there is any chivalry left in the world. There is no
> opression about it. It offends me as well,
> And no I think women can go anywhere and do anything they want so long
> they are Physically able to the do the job.

You mean that you believe that everyone is equal? That I can agree with.

> Its one thing to view art, its another to have to deal with pornography.
> What we are talking about is out, and out porn.

I don't understand what you mean. Did you mean to write "only" or am I 
just unfamiliar with this usage of the word "out"?

> Also You don't mean to tell me that demeaning acts of pornography is not
> oppressive to women?

If a person, male or female, wants to be a porn actor, what right does 
anybody else have to prevent them from doing so? It's their choice. They 
can do what they want with their lives, just as you and I can do 
whatever we want with our lives.

I believe that, generally, a person should be allowed to do whatever 
[s]he wants to unless it in some way harms other people. Pornography 
does *not* harm anyone, since those who are offended by it or are simply 
not interested in viewing it can simply choose not to do so. And to 
answer your question, no, I honestly do not see how it is oppressive to 
women in general that some persons choose to create pornography. 
Offending, sure, but oppressing? How? If you don't want to view it, no 
problem, don't view it. It's that simple.

I wouldn't be comfortable with some authority telling us that what is 
morally acceptable and what is not. How would we know that that 
authority would not make mistakes? What if that authority made a 
decision with which I did not agree? What if it made a decision with 
which *you* did not agree? We have this nice thing called "free speech", 
you know. Ever heard of it? I don't see why it shouldn't apply to 
pornography as well.

[Boy, we really need a or 
netscape.public.mozilla.bad-attitude, even :) ]

> Like i said I believe some of you want it to continue just to get your jollies.

Ah, the AOLTW-Netscape-Mozilla-China-Communism-Pornstar conspiracy 
theory. Nice! ;-)


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