Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:

>> If a person, male or female, wants to be a porn actor, what right does
>> anybody else have to prevent them from doing so? It's their choice. They
>> can do what they want with their lives, just as you and I can do
>> whatever we want with our lives.
> That may or may not be true. Sometimes the female may be tricked into
> doing the photos. Sometimes they are in a relationship with a Man and
> pose for him only. Then the cad sells the photo's.

Ah, but now you are not talking about pornography, you are talking about 
manipulation and tricking people in to doing things. That's different.

>> I believe that, generally, a person should be allowed to do whatever
>> [s]he wants to unless it in some way harms other people. Pornography
>> does *not* harm anyone, since those who are offended by it or are simply
>> not interested in viewing it can simply choose not to do so. And to
>> answer your question, no, I honestly do not see how it is oppressive to
>> women in general that some persons choose to create pornography.
>> Offending, sure, but oppressing? How? If you don't want to view it, no
>> problem, don't view it. It's that simple.
> I don't wish to view it. And I am sure that, it was not the intent of
> the group to be the purveyor of Porn (At least I hope not).

I think you misunderstood me. I would very much like to see the spam 
mails in this group disappear, both those about porn and those about 
mortgages. But I was replying to this:

 >>> Also You don't mean to tell me that demeaning acts of pornography is
 >>> not oppressive to women?

So my statement still stands.

>> > Like i said I believe some of you want it to continue just to get your jollies.
>> Ah, the AOLTW-Netscape-Mozilla-China-Communism-Pornstar conspiracy
>> theory. Nice! ;-)
> No I didn't say that, It just seems there have been complaints - not
> just from me - about it, and nothing has been done to relieve it.
> Has nothing to do with AOLTW, Netscape, Mozilla, China, Communism.

It was just a joke. We have a person in this newsgroup who likes to talk 
about his conspiracy theory of how the communist AOLTW-Netscape wants to 
make Mozilla please China. I found your suggestion that spam filters are 
not being installed because some people actually *like* spam almost as 
ridiculous as that theory.


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