> Both pages have a doctype declaration for me?!

Try downloading one of the pages, e.g. www.uniklinik-freiburg.de , remove
the doctype declaration, and see what happens in Mozilla: Mozilla will
display the page without those spaces between the images, as it is displayed
in NN 4, Opera, and IE.

> They shouldn't. If you translate "quirks" to your language, you'll see
> that this mode is for pages written in a way they shouldn't have been
> written (unfortunately, that applies to 90% of the WWW nowadays). So,
> validate your pages with the W3C HTML and CSS validators

> http://validator.w3.org and http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ ), and
> make sure everything is fine, and then Mozilla will display the page
> 99%ly as it should be displayed.

My page, http://www.ircass.org/, contains valid HTML 4.01 transitional and
valid CSS2. My question is: Why does Mozilla render these pages in a
different way when you remove the doctype declaration?


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