All pages use a Server Side Include.

The file that's included has the drop-down navigation menu, it 
inhhibits MS smart tags (although not truly needed) and whatever code 
that i want to add to *all* pages that might be open for future 
change, such as the <link>. This way i only have to change one file 
and the <link> changes in all my pages.

I agree the link would be better off in the head, but since i want to 
place the drop down on specific locations in a page, that meant that 
the link tag also ends up in the body, and not the head.

But perhaps there's another way of doing this? (other than using two 
Server Side Includes, one for the head and one for the body).


> Out of curiosity, why have you "designed" <link> not to be in the <head> 
> of your document?  That doesn't make a great deal of sense.

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