Gervase Markham wrote:
> > Sorry for those who already received this message.
> > We are testing Mozilla in our Win 32 application which run "unattended
> > 24 hours a day" and have found a memory leak. Even a few bytes leak will
> >
> > cause an application crash and this is not acceptable in our
> > environment.
> > We would like to know if somebody is dealing with the same memory leak
> > problem and if a fix is available or coming soon.
> n.p.m.performance and n.p.m.porkjockeys are probably the best places to
> ask about this. Obviously, we are trying to eliminate memory leaks, but
> we haven't got to them all yet :-)
> If you are running on Windows, you should be automatically rebooting
> every few days for stability reasons anyway.

Uh, yeah, maybe if you're still running Win98.  Windows 2000 and XP are
rock-solid, I can't even tell you the last time I rebooted my machine
here.  Which if you have any idea what's going on under the hood is
nothing short of miraculous.

Don't try to blame Mozilla's defects on Windows Gerv.
> Gerv

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