On 2/26/2002 11:22 PM, JTK wrote:
> Well, small praise:  I've found that Mozilla's newsreader beats NC4.7x's
> in one (and only one) area: loading the "index" or "cache" or whatever
> it is that gets loaded when you select a newsgroup is somewhat faster. 
> It's particularly noticable on "large" newsgroups such as this one: it's
> painfully slow to load on NC4.7x, much less painful on Mozilla.  Now if
> AOL could just figure out that I don't want DOUBLE SPACING GOD!

Double spacing god? Whats that?

> Ok, enough praise, I'm starting to feel ill.  So here's the suggestion,
> and honest to God this'll put you over the top (well, once you fix all
> the defects):  have the newsreader poll for new messages.  No newsreader
> I've ever used does this.  Do it every X minutes (x of course
> selectable) and every time you post.  Now tell me that would not be
> sweet.

Edit->Mail/News Preferences-><Your-Server>->Server Settings

There's an option for Check for messages every x minutes. Were you 
looking for something like that or something completely different?


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