Peemm wrote:

> Sorry, Jonas, but I have skimmed through all the postings, and even 
> though I no longer believe in Phillip M. Jones' chivalry, I must say 
> that he understands something you and your friend DeMoN LaG don't. 
> Pornography is nothing you get "turned on by". Porn is a substitute for 
> real life. You might as well use heroine. And the producers of porn 
> don't care about your pleasure; they want to get money - YOUR money! 
> This is the offensive part. You are dealing with a kind of robber here - 
> not just a spammer.

You are missing my point. I wasn't debating whether porn is a good thing 
or a bad thing, I was saying that I don't believe that anyone should be 
allowed to tell someone else what they are to think about porn. If 
person A likes porn and person B doesn't, I don't see why person B 
should be allowed to prevent person A from viewing porn, nor do I see 
why person A should be allowed to force person B to view porn.

Generally, I don't like the idea of some people telling others what they 
should think or do -- I consider it oppressive. We should all be free to 
think what we want, and we should all be equal so that noone gets to 
control other people. I really don't understand what it is that makes 
some people, such as yourself, be against things such as freedom and 

Regarding heroin: There are thousands of people who's lives have been 
completely ruined because of heroin. You can objectively say that 
heroine destroys people. Only subjectively can you say the same about 


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