Jonas Jørgensen wrote:
> JTK wrote:
> > I didn't ask for the source code, I asked for a statement by a
> > Mozilla/AOL official.
> Sure, but they could be lying, right?

AOL lie?  That's crazy talk!

But if the "community" caught them in a lie....

> The source code doesn't lie.

The source code that you are privy to doesn't.  How do I know the
nightlies I download are built from only the publically available
> >> So there is no possible way Mozilla can contain any such "feature".
> >
> > There is *every* possible way for it to contain such a "feature".
> Let me rephrase that: There is no possible way for Mozilla to *secretly*
> contain such a "feature".

Sure there is: "oh, we forgot to put invade_privacy.cpp on the public
CVS, sorry, honest mistake!"

> >> If
> >> it did, everyone would know about it.
> >
> > Uh, no, only the people working on Mozilla would
> ...and everyone who decides to take a look at the source to see if it
> contains any privacy-invading search feature.

And the only people who are able to look at said source?  Yep: AOL.
> >> That's the beauty of open source.
> >
> > Please spell it right: "Open Source(tm)".
> Please look up the correct spelling before incorrectly correcting a
> spelling which is correct.
> Official spelling: "Open Source" or "open source". It is not a
> trademark.

It might as well be.
> I actually appreciate when people point out errors in my spelling, but
> only in the cases where I actually misspelled something.
> /Jonas

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