JTK wrote:

> The source code that you are privy to doesn't.  How do I know the
> nightlies I download are built from only the publically available
> source?

If you really want to be sure:

1: Download the source.
2: Compile it.
3: Download a binary.
4: Notice that there is no difference between the downloaded binary and 
the home-compiled one.

>> Let me rephrase that: There is no possible way for Mozilla to *secretly*
>> contain such a "feature".
> Sure there is: "oh, we forgot to put invade_privacy.cpp on the public
> CVS, sorry, honest mistake!"

See above.

>> ...and everyone who decides to take a look at the source to see if it
>> contains any privacy-invading search feature.
> And the only people who are able to look at said source?  Yep: AOL.

You can take a look at it if you like. You can even compile it to see 
that it is in fact the source code from which the binaries available for 
download are built. See above...

>> Official spelling: "Open Source" or "open source". It is not a
>> trademark. http://opensource.org/press_releases/certified-open-source.html
> It might as well be.

But it isn't.


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