On 03/10/2002 5:52 PM, Christopher Jahn wrote:
> And it came to pass that Netscape Basher wrote:
>> Jay Garcia typed:
>>> On 03/09/2002 6:06 PM, Netscape Basher wrote:
>>>>And then they will claim only technical information is
>>>>supposed to be posted there. Which is fair because on those
>>>>groups, Netscape does provide the bandwidth.
>>>>Netscape has nothing to do with running this newsgroup.
>>> Again, you knoweth not of the FACTS !!!!!!!
>>> This server is a PRIVATE server located in Mountain View
>>> Ca. and is owned by Netscape and administrated by a
>>> Netscape manager (Markus). Things may have changed since I
>>> last spoke with Markus but that's it as far as I know for
>>> now. 
>> False.  All the bandwith used by me in this newsgroup is
>> from Road Runner- Columbia,SC . You just happen to be using
>> the secnews.netscape to access this group, but you can
>> access through 100's of newsgroup servers, even google. If
>> you would learn to read headers, you would figure this out.
>> http://groups.google.com/groups?q=netscape.public.mozilla.gen
>> eral 
>> If secnews.netscape stopped carrying this group, only those
>> who read it through secnews.netscape would be affected while
>> everyone else would continue to receive this group. If you
>> read the headers from me, you will not see any reference to
>> a netscape *news server* at all. Jay this is about the
>> fourth for fifth dishonest statement you have made. I am 
>> frankly getting sick and tired of it and it's people like
>> you that ensure Netscape/Mozilla will continue to fail by
>> giving out false information.
> It's only dishonest if he knows it's wrong: YOU're being 
> fundamentally dishonest by failing to distinguish between 
> "mistaken" and "dishonest".
> Jay made a mistake; you on the other hand have displayed an 
> appalling lack of integrity.

Not a mistake but rather a reply in "jest" as the poster realized when I
private emailed him about Kyle's false allegations.

Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion
Novell MCNE-5/CNI-Networking Technologies-OSI
UFAQ - http://www.UFAQ.org

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