blackbox wrote:
> i have written two bugs, a some commets in other bugs,  all about the Design
> of the user interface...
> They has told me this:
> "please stop wasting our time"

Ouch.  I can see how someone would be embittered by this; I'd be 
less-than-thrilled, I know that much.

Still, even my brief acquaintance with the Mozilla project reveals that 
it's an insanely complex (in part because decentralised) undertaking. 
The things about which you are concerned aren't /un/important; they're 
just not /as/ important right now.  The tendency of the newsgroups I've 
been reading suggests that what's important right now is functionality, 
stability, speed, and making sure everything works across an abundance 
of platforms.

>   even when i have taken the time to  review the options in the menus for
> suggest a reorder of them; and  build/draw some screenshots about a toolbar
> builder for shut up to all those kids who wants a toolbar able to be
> customizated.

I do agree that the UI can certainly use work, but that's more a matter 
of 'polish'.  I don't think anyone involved in the project would say 
that the UI doesn't matter, but I suspect that more intensive work on it 
is being put off until after the 1.0 milestone.  (I could, of course, be 
entirely wrong on this point, however.)

> well, since they told me that, i erased latimoz from the server and i ve
> dedicated to try make them see that all their work, of five years, could go
> to the trash(forever) if they doesnt allow me to show where is the
> error(even when i believe i already did it) and the way to follow.

Even taking your discomfort with English into account (and, trust me, 
it's still /way/ better than my Spanish, which is next to non-existent), 
isn't it the height of arrogance to say that all the work of however 
many hundreds of programmers, &c, over several years could go to waste 
if they don't allow /you/ to show them the path they should be following?

> All i know right now, i am going to laugh if mozilla 1.0 is what i think is
> going to be. An evil laugh by the way...

That would, at the very least, be petty . . . and quite possibly vindictive.


> "Ben Bucksch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>blackbox wrote:
>>Lancer, if you want to help out the Mozilla project, why don't you learn
>>a bit about XUL and JS and check out the bugs in Bugzilla and try to fix
>>the one or the other bug? Or browse/search through bugzilla, looking for
>>other bugs you could fix right away?
>>Maybe you can't prevent Mozilla 1.0 from crashing, but help make it or
>>following version a bit better? ;-)


We sail tonight for Singapore | We're all as mad as hatters here
I've fallen for a tawny moor | Took off to the land of Nod
Drank with all the Chinamen | Walked the sewers of Paris
I danced along a colored wind | Dangled from a rope of sand
You must say goodbye to me
         -- Tom Waits, 'Singapore'

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