Christopher Jahn wrote:
> And it came to pass that Legshot wrote:
>>>I bow my head and worship you, oh messenger of God.
>>I realy wonder what that blackbox guy's talking about :)
> I think he either forgot to take his meds, or MIT is letting 
> chimpanzees access the web again.
> I'm leaning towards the meds, though.

Ditto.  You may be joking; I'm not.



We sail tonight for Singapore | We're all as mad as hatters here
I've fallen for a tawny moor | Took off to the land of Nod
Drank with all the Chinamen | Walked the sewers of Paris
I danced along a colored wind | Dangled from a rope of sand
You must say goodbye to me
         -- Tom Waits, 'Singapore'

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