Parts? of explorer?  IE is explorer.   The difference in windows between 
when your exploring your HD and exploring the WWW are the menus that are 
displayed.  Go ahead, run explorer, not IE, look at your HD a minute, 
then type in a webpage address in the bar, it'll take you wherever you 
want to go.  As for memory, currently, I have open 4 windows in 
Netscape6 and it is taking up 34,884k.  I have one window or explorer 
open and it uses 16,484k and one window of IE explorer open and it uses 
13,248k.  Now, this is just after opening the windows before any of the 
memory is swapped to disk.  Not that I'm really worried about memory as 
I have 160 megs of ram.  As for the time it takes to load, Mozilla 0.9.9 
loads in about the same amount of time on my machine with or without the 
quick launce option on and as for Netscape 6.2.1, the quick launch keeps 
getting taken out of memory by Windows.  I've tested them all as well, 
and it seems to me that IE has finally caught up to the stbility and 
usabilty of Netscape/Mozilla.

Legshot wrote:

> What's the purpose of a quick launch option that is not quick at all?
> Sure IE is part of windows and uses parts of the explorer itself... but the
> explorer uses like 10k of memory
> and it's always in memory
> so you could say the explorer is the quick launch of ie... it just works
> MUCH better than the useless quicklaunch feature of mozilla :)
> Believe it or not I've tested em all and in the end the IE 6 is the most
> solid, stable and useable browser...
> Nevertheless I like Mozilla a lot and realy apreciate the work done by the
> development team!

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