Subhash Chopra wrote:
> Outputs from SSLDump with Mozilla and various other browsers (ie IE,Opera
> etc....) revealed the following facts:
> In case of a  HTTPS request for a web site with say 4 gifs, mozilla opens up 4
> TCP connections and do the SSL handshake including the clientkeyexchange,
> server certificates .... for each one of them.
> While other browsers like IE 5 or opera 5, open up 1 TCP connection and do a
> complete SSL handshake on it... and then these browsers reuse use the session
> id and negotiated values of this first TCP session  for the other 3
> connections which are opened for  each gif ( for the other 3 TCP connections
> it only performs HELLO and CHANGECIPHERSPEC protocol ).
> This approach adds to performance in terms of the size of bandwidth and time.

> I just wonder........ why mozilla is doing it differently as the resuse of
> negotiated keys would result less turnaround time.
> I am not able to figure out the reason for this anomolus behaviour.
> Any thoughts ....or findings...
> Moreover while closing these secure connections in case of Mozilla, web
> server(Apache)  doesnot send an Alert whereas it do sends an alert in case of
> other browser.
> Has somebody else observed similar behaviour ............
> --Subhash

Was this with PSM 1.x? or PSM 2.0 ?  or ??

Nelson Bolyard               Sun / Netscape Alliance
Disclaimer:                  I speak for myself, not for Netscape

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