> Are the UIless cookie prefs documented anywhere?

   Good question.  I understand that there IS some method of forcing
cookie expiration times (after session or X days) but I have no idea
where to find that information.

> I'd like to do the following:
> * Enable persistent cookies for bugzilla.mozilla.org
> * Disable cookies from servers on a list
> * Accept all other cookies but discard after two hours (or failing that,
>   at the end of the session)

   As far as I know this is not possible.  The "best" you can do is
keep getting prompted for each new site you go to.  (Or have it ask,
visit bugzilla and let it set a cookie, then mark your cookies.txt and
cookperm.txt as read only.  But that would then prevent your last
point.)  As for that, although I understand from Bugzilla discussion
that it's possible to for all cookies to expire after a set period of
time (days not hours) I don't know what the prefs.js entry for this
looks like.

   Bug 8530 says that you can enable forced cookie sessions (they
expire after a session) but it doesn't say HOW to do this.  (Other
bugs are for working on an UI to this.)

   If you figure the above out, let me know.  I would also like to
implement this.  (Maybe just allow all cookies but force them to
expire at session end, except for any on my whitelist - ?)


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