Jason Bassford wrote:

>>Are the UIless cookie prefs documented anywhere?

I don't know of any documentation on this. The cookies themselves 
(including expiration times) are stored in cookies.txt, and the blocking 
information is in cookperm.txt, both in your profile directory. The 
formats of those files are pretty easy to comprehend in a text editor. 
Note that cookie prefs are NOT stored in prefs.js, or all.js, like 
JavaScript/DOM security prefs are.

>>I'd like to do the following:
>>* Enable persistent cookies for bugzilla.mozilla.org

   Not currently possible, that I know of.

>>* Disable cookies from servers on a list

   Edit cookperm.txt

>>* Accept all other cookies but discard after two hours (or failing that,
>>  at the end of the session)

   Not currently possible.

>    If you figure the above out, let me know.  I would also like to
> implement this.  

Jason, I would love it if you could implement this. File a bug and 
submit a patch, if you're interested.

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