Gervase Markham wrote:
I can't remember if I read this somewhere... I had the idea, but I'm not sure if there's enough value in it to be worth implementing, as it's a reasonably large UI change for perhaps not a very big gain. But I'm going to float it anyway and see what people think.

Basically, have a one-character rolling hash of the domain plus the password next to a password field. So, when the user has finished typing their password, it functions like a check digit. If they are on a different domain, it's pretty likely (depending on the number of different characters; we could easily have 26 + 26 + 10 - a few confusables) that the checksum character would be different. Hopefully, this would be a cause for alarm.

Because it also helps with the problem, we could push it as a "avoid password mistyping" feature, to try and get people to check the checksum character before submission.


- Another visual difference between a genuine site and a phishing site

(Thinking aloud here)

If it was done in the *browser* then why wouldn't the
browser just reproduce it when it came across the phishing
site?  Oh I see, it hashes the domain in as well.

That would work except in the case of the DNS attack.  Well,
we can't have everything.

You could hash in the domain+CA out of the cert, but then
you would have to deal with wild cards.  It would still work

- Helps people to notice that they've mistyped their password

It would be nice if the hash was configurable to show
different things.  I'd like to see either a small gfx
or a word taken out of a dictionary.


- Requires fairly significant user education
- Can't help if people finish typing and immediately hit enter
- Extra UI; possibly confusing and intrusive
- Theoretical danger of shoulder-surfers working out first few letters
  of password

What do people think?

Certainly worth experimenting with...

Solving password loss is a big issue, support departments
put this as one of their biggest problems.  So addressing
it at the browser is probably worthwhile.

Some good ideas to password remembrance I have seen are:

     * make the user log in a couple of times when registering,
       so they have say 4 chances at typing their password

     * writing down the passwords somewhere

     * typing them in the clear

From that pov, I'd suggest putting a radio button next to
the password form field that turned on clear instead of
stars.  (The reason I say this is that shoulder-surfing
is actually a very low risk these days, it goes back to
the days of shared terminal labs when a terminal was a
valuable resource.  That's only found in public access
places these days.  Yet the legacy of those days remains
with us in the ****** and it may be too hard to shift that.)

Also, making the password manager better, and adding a
radio button beside the form to save-on-success, and to
read-from-password-manager would help.  If the password
manager ever got to the point where people just used it
all the time, then there would be less of a problem
there .... although the more they come to depend on it,
the more crippled they are when they want to log in at
a friend's place to check that important transfer.
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