The MPEG2 code of lame3.29 seems to be broken:
+       try to encode with -b40 at 40 kbits and you
        will get a 16 kbits stream

+       and lame will encode it sometimes twice! upto 200%
  > robert@bob:~/lame3.29.w1 > ./lame -b 40 -h -k -X 5 /dos/d/grab/t14.22.wav 
  > LAME version 3.29 ( 
  > GPSYCHO: GPL psycho-acoustic model version 0.73. 
  > Found WAV header:  22.1kHz stereo
  > Encoding /dos/d/grab/t14.22.wav to /dos/d/grab/t14.22.b40.mp3
  > Encoding as 22.1 kHz 16 kbps j-stereo MPEG2 LayerIII file
  >     Frame          |  CPU/estimated  |  time/estimated | play/CPU |   ETA
  >   5593/  5593(100%)| 0:01:51/ 0:01:51| 0:01:51/ 0:01:51| 2.6490   | 0:00:00 
  >   5760/  5593(102%)| 0:01:54/ 0:01:51| 0:01:54/ 0:01:51| 2.6481   | 0:00:00 

+       maybe a MPEG2 vbr should get a Xing header?
        at least optional via a switch?

+       finally, whats the dynamic range of a MPEG2 layer3
        stream at 24, 22 and 16 kHz? Is it half the 
        dynamic range of a 44 kHz MPEG1 layer3 stream?
        the MDCT scaling of the ath should consider this.

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