This is the first time I actually post to this maillinglist and I hope this
question is not out of place. I can not be called an MP3 codec expert, nor an
expert on the human hearing capabilities and sound technique in general. I am,
however, an MP3 and music enthoussiast, in every sense of these words' meaning.

My question concerns LAME 3.51 and the new beta versions. Currently, I am using
the stabe release LAME 3.51. Reading this maillinglist, I've found it very
interesting to read through all the discussion concerning quality improvements
and such. Much of these subjects are expirimental, I've - rightfully I hope -
noticed. So I'm a bit wary about using newer beta versions. The actual question
I'd like to see answered is: how stable are these newer beta versions of LAME
in respect to quality? Is the produced mp3 of higher quality in general than
those produced with version 3.51? How big is the chance of screwing up a WAV
with beta versions?


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