Ooops, the complete patch is:

*** lame/lame.c Sat Feb  5 13:28:16 2000
--- lame-2000-02-06/lame.c      Mon Feb  7 20:20:39 2000
*** 288,293 ****
--- 288,294 ----
        /* we do not normally allow 320bps frams with VBR, unless: */
        if (gf.VBR_min_bitrate_kbps>=256) gf.VBR_max_bitrate=14;
        if (gf.VBR_q == 0) gf.VBR_max_bitrate=14;   /* allow 320kbs */
+       if (gf.VBR_q >= 1) gf.VBR_max_bitrate=13;   /* allow 256kbs */
        if (gf.VBR_q >= 4) gf.VBR_max_bitrate=12;   /* max = 224kbs */
        if (gf.VBR_q >= 8) gf.VBR_max_bitrate=9;    /* low quality, max = 128kbs */
*** 888,893 ****
--- 889,896 ----
+   gf.VBR_min_bitrate=1;
+   gf.VBR_max_bitrate=13;
    gf.mode = MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO;


Mark Taylor schrieb am Mon, 07 Feb 2000:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Found this while running some performance tests. The above command fails
> > with an assertion failure, or a crash with NDEBUG defined.
> > 
> > Any ideas? -V 4 and upwards are fine.
> > 
> > D:\Source\lame>lame -h --nores -V 3 fools.wav fools.mp3
> > LAME version 3.62 (
> > GPSYCHO: GPL psycho-acoustic and noise shaping model version 0.75.
> > Encoding fools.wav to fools.mp3
> > Encoding as 44.1kHz VBR(q=3) stereo MPEG1 LayerIII  qual=2
> >     Frame          |  CPU/estimated  |  time/estimated | play/CPU |   ETA
> >     60/  1185(  5%)| 0:00:02/ 0:00:33| 0:00:02/ 0:00:40|    0.9521| 0:00:38
> > Assertion failed: used_bits <= bits, file quantize.c, line 419
> > 
> > abnormal program termination
> > 
> > -- Mat.
> > 
> > 
> The latest version in CVS has some problems - it also seg faults under
> CBR for me and fails even the 6 frame testcase.wav test.  Can people
> hold off commiting any more changes for a day or two until this is
> straightened out?
> Mark
> --
> MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( )
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   Lame          A        Mpeg-audio    Experience
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