> what are your thoughts?
WMA sounds very good on casual inspection, far better than mp3 at about 
64kbit, probably about the same as AAC/Mpeg4 at that bitrate.

But it doesnt get any better as the bitrate goes up - and there's an annoying 
hiss that reminds me of listening to old cassete tape.

Scott Manley (aka Szyzyg)                           /------ _@/ Mail -----\
 ___         _   _     __  __           _           |  Armagh Observatory |
/ __| __ ___| |_| |_  |  \/  |__ _ _ _ | |___ _  _  |  Armagh             |
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|___/\__\___/\__|\__| |_|  |_\__,_|_||_|_\___|\_, | |  BT61 9DG.          |
http://star.arm.ac.uk/~spm/welcome.html       |__/  \=====================/

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