> Sorry for the previous post, but tot_ener has to be initialized each time
> L3psycho_anal since it is not declared static.
> So forget the memset, and declare tot_ener as
>  FLOAT8 tot_ener[4]={0,0,0,0};
> Under MSVC this will give not FPU problems anymore (at least when the
> EM_OVERFLOW,_EM_UNDERFLOW and the _EM_ZERODIVIDE bits are cleared. There are
> still some problems in the lame_encode function when the _EM_INVALID is
> cleared as well.
> Albert
> http://www.cdex.n3.net/

So we cant blame this on a gcc compiler bug :-(

I think _EM_INVALID means operating on unintialized data?
There must be some kind of memory allocation/access problem
that is trashing variables in an unpreditcable way, introduced between
3.61 and 3.62.

I just discovered the -D date option for CVS update, so tonight I will
try to find out exactly when the problem appeared.


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