On Sun, Jan 30, 2000 at 09:50:42PM +0100, Robert Hegemann wrote:
> LAME gets press coverage in Germany's respected c't computer magazine,
> which will appear on newsstands tomorrow, monday. 
> I've heard, they've tested LAME against Xing, Fraunhofer and some other
> encoders at constant and variable bitrates, and LAME is always by the best.
> But I will read it tomorrow :)
> http://www.heise.de/ct/

Cool.  I just checked the website but the "Encoder Test" portion of the
issue isn't available online -- just the introductory perspective.
Here's the Babelfish-translated (and corrected :-) teaser on the cover:

    "Whether music from the Internet or player for the vest pocket --
    MP3 is in.  But does the music format has the potential to replace
    the audio CD?  Can it convince trained HiFi ear despite compression
    losses?  And how does professional musician see the future of their

No suprises there, but I'd be curious to know what they said about their
test results on various encoders, particularly LAME and FhG.  Please
post some juicy excerpts if you get a chance.  :-)

Don Melton
MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( http://geek.rcc.se/mp3encoder/ )

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