It looks like this MPEG2 table bug has finally showed up as a real glitch.

There seems to be a problem with the 19'th number in Table B.2.c (24kHz):

  { /* Table B.2.c: 24 kHz */                 /* ISO docs: 332. mpg123: 330 */
    {0,6,12,18,24,30,36,44,54,66,80,96,114,136,162,194,232,278, 332, 394,464,540,576},

ISO docs:                 332
ISO demonstration code:   330
mpg123                    330

Robert recently found that if you use "lame -v --resample 24",
you can trigger some errors related to this problem.

I tested the following, with the above options.  

LAME:  332  mpg123: 330        mpg123 reports errors, some frames corrupt
LAME:  330  mpg123: 330        no problems
LAME:  330  mpg123: 332        no problems
LAME:  332  mpg123: 332        no problems

If any of you have access or know people who have access to mp3
decoder source, could you try and find out what value they use?  If
all the decoders are using 330, we should probably switch LAME to 330


> A comparison between LAME's tables and MPGLIB's (mpg123)
> tables show a different value in Table B.2.c (24kHz)
> for long blocks
> LAME:   ... 332 ...
> MPGLIB: ... 330 ...
> Robert

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