freeamp uses a Xing decoder, table entry is 332.


Mark Taylor schrieb am Fre, 24 Mär 2000:
> It looks like this MPEG2 table bug has finally showed up as a real glitch.
> There seems to be a problem with the 19'th number in Table B.2.c (24kHz):
>   { /* Table B.2.c: 24 kHz */                 /* ISO docs: 332. mpg123: 330 */
>     {0,6,12,18,24,30,36,44,54,66,80,96,114,136,162,194,232,278, 332, 
>     {0,4,8,12,18,26,36,48,62,80,104,136,180,192}
>   },
> ISO docs:                 332
> ISO demonstration code:   330
> mpg123                    330
> Robert recently found that if you use "lame -v --resample 24",
> you can trigger some errors related to this problem.
> I tested the following, with the above options.  
> LAME:  332  mpg123: 330        mpg123 reports errors, some frames corrupt
> LAME:  330  mpg123: 330        no problems
> LAME:  330  mpg123: 332        no problems
> LAME:  332  mpg123: 332        no problems
> If any of you have access or know people who have access to mp3
> decoder source, could you try and find out what value they use?  If
> all the decoders are using 330, we should probably switch LAME to 330
> also. 
> Mark
> > 
> > A comparison between LAME's tables and MPGLIB's (mpg123)
> > tables show a different value in Table B.2.c (24kHz)
> > for long blocks
> > 
> > LAME:   ... 332 ...
> > MPGLIB: ... 330 ...
> > 
> > Robert
> > 
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