Hi George,

Thanks. I'm checking out your page. Well, speed benchmarking isn't that tough
to do; but you have to be very careful about the quality benchmark. I have a
plan to make a webpage with that information, but I'll wait until I learn more
about it and can sum things up.

The opinions of the developers of LAME will be VERY helpful here. I shall be
very grateful if they provide us with valuable information. They are the ones
who really know about it!

I've just loaded your page. Looks pretty cool! May be I don't need to make my
page. :-) We hope you'll post all the results soon...

- Zia

> Just a few lines to all who can interest it. There are Mp3 Encoders Speed
> statistics at http://www.hispamp3.com/bench/index.htm. I will try to make a
> quality study soon.
> George
> --
> MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( http://geek.rcc.se/mp3encoder/ )

MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( http://geek.rcc.se/mp3encoder/ )

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