George wrote:
> > When I clik on "ENGLISH" and then in the english menu on any of the 3
> > options  under "SPEED" nothing happens, not in netscape 4.72 , nor in
> IE5.0
> I view it this night and when you click "SYSTEMS" a little graphic menu
> apopears in the topframe, netx to the logo (is a sub-menu). The same happens
> when you click in "ENCODERS" or "RESULTS". I test this using IE5.0

Some other things :

 -  in some tables ( Lame BR test ) you give the compressed sizes of the
 but the original sizes are avaliable only on some other page. The
ratio would be more usefull ?

 - You almost always forget to not what does the graph display, mostly
it is
   encoding time in second , but why should the reader guess ?

david balazic
MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( )

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