At 04:33 PM 3/31/00 -0700, Mark wrote:

>Compressing by a factor of 14.7 is pushing the limits of 
>mp3.  It would sound pretty bad without the lowpass filter.

>If the 96kbs/44.1khz really sounds better, I would think the
>96kbs/32khz, with the same amount of filtering (--lowpass 12.5) would
>sound the best.
>which is optimal? good question :-)

I guess the option which produces less aliasing would be better...
I'd probably be downsampling to 22.05kHz (since it's an integer multiple) & using no 
filtering if it came to doing 96kbps.
That begs the question... Would 44.1 ->22.05 produce less aliasing than 44.1 -> 32?

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