Alfred Weyers schrieb am Sam, 17 Jun 2000:
> Hi,
> Before the former -X n experimental settings in quant_compare are dropped
> entirely, I'd like to report about the experiences I made with these
> evaluation heuristics.
> 1) experimentalX=0 uses the most stable setting (and the default method).
> 2) experimentalX=6 (Robert's?) achieves the highest quality (for my
> liking). The sound seems to be clearer and more crisp. This mode also cooperates
> well with the high quality settings -q 3 to -q 0. (-h is identical to -q 2).
> 3) stabilty of experimentalX=6 is not optimal. I think this is the result
> of normalizing over_avg_noise to the number of bands with noise above
> threshold (over variable in calc_noise1). I don't think this is good.
> Normalisation to the number of bands instead is more stable and shows no regress in
> quality:
> -  res->over_avg_noise = over ? (over_noise / over) : over_noise;
> +  res->over_avg_noise = over ? (over_noise / count) : over_noise;
> over even:  res->over_avg_noise = over_noise/count; (as far as count!=0).
> The new CVS versions use the -X switch for setting VBR_max_bitrate.
> To activate the old -X n settings for testing, initialize
> gfp->experimentalX = 6; (or other desired value) in lame.c.
> Regards, 
> Alfred

Thanks Alfred,
I chaned that your way and -Xn is enabled again.
(it seemed to be a typo / cut and paste error 
disabling that switch)

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