Hello Roel,

Tuesday, July 04, 2000, 9:40:11 PM, you wrote:

RV> Sad thing Dmitry Kutsanov has no more alpha's on his page. :(
RV> Traffic problems? Maybe host the download page on geocities or so. Be
RV> sure to place the complete page there, and not only the binaries.
RV> I've been kicked off several times because I used them as a file
RV> host...
no,  another problem. i pay money to my provider for internet service.
it was about 10$ per month and now it is about 0.90$ per hour. i think
you  understand that i don't want TO PAY for my FREE compiles. now i'm
trying  to find another ways to upload dayly updated cvs versions: try
http://www.chat.ru/~dkutsanov/lame-20000705.zip .
source code was taken not directly from cvs but from this site

RV> If I found myself a copy of MSC6, is compiling the encoder a simple
RV> matter? (like running a makefile or so?) Or are tweaks required to get
RV> the thing running?
now  only  with  cvs  versions  (sometimes),  before 3.54 i had to tweak

Best regards,
 Dmitry                            mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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