> I was under the impression that VBR mode was better...so I have been trying
> to use it.  But at this point I have absolutely no idea if what I'm encoding
> is better than CBR mode or not.  I have absolutely no idea if I'm using a
> good set of options or not.  I'll probably just wait until lame is more
> finished before I encode any more.  Good luck guys.
> -steve

I do all my testing at 128kbs and lower, and I still
feel that 128kbs CBR is on average better than VBR (128kbs average)

At higher bitrates, (see r3mix.net for example), there is
some evidence that VBR outperforms CBR.  But this is mostly
based on signal processing tests - not hearing tests.  hearing
tests are hard to perform at such high bitrates because
everything sounds pretty good, and I think the evidence
is not conclusive either way.


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