> Could anyone please tell me the difference in the header for the lame dll versus the 
>bladeenc dll.
> Having seen the almost fourfold speed increase of lame I definitely want to continue 
>with lame.
> >From a previous posting from Albert Faber I understand that the interface is very 
>similar to blade. My implementation is in Delphi, conversion of a recorded raw audio 
> Any help greatly appreciated, thanks
> Helmut

You should be able to call functions in the 
lame_enc.dll exactly as you would with bladeenc.dll.

But if you want access to more features (quality settings,
VBR, etc), you need to populate the "LHV1" struct instead of
the "MP3" struct (see lame/Dll/BladeMP3Enc.h), and
set (in the same struct)

        dwConfig = BE_CONFIG_LAME

And just to expend on what Gabriel said:  If you look in
that .h file, you will see a bunch of variables of type
"BOOL".  In MSVC, BOOL = int, but I think to mimic this type
in Delphi, you need to use LongBool?


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