Yep, this is an HTML message with some Javascript code in it.
It seems that the script decode another part, looks like a virus :) (or maybe :(

That's why HTML or scripting shouldn't be allowed in e-mails...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Stephens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 9:43 PM
Subject: RE: [MP3 ENCODER] Mulheres... Temos que dar a resposta!

> For me, it contained a VBS scripts that ZoneAlarm (Windows) would not let
> run .. I suspect it had a virus in it, but I deleted it as soon as I saw it.
> Outlook Express wanted to run it without me opening the message :)  MS is so
> cool! I suspect it was just a vehical for a script virus.
> Can anyone with a real opsys take a look at the message and see if a script
> is attached?

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