> The only reason that holds him back is that the GPL.txt says he should
> include his source code with the program.
> Is there anyone who actually cares about this?

Yes, a *very big* yes.  He will incur serious wrath from the open source 
community if he violates GPL.

> Any precedents?  I mean, the gig is probably off because he's not
> inclined to offer his sourcecode.  Damn shame because this is/was the
> #1 win32 player for me :( ... (free, fast, 130kbyte zip, skins, ...)

The GPL is intentionally viral in nature.  Part of its political intent is to 
force more software to be Open.  If you don't want to open the source, you 
can't coexist with the GPL.

Precedents: I don't know if I can pull up any lawsuits that actually got 
filed, but I can name many examples of companies who have gotten a stern 
talking to.


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