----- Original Message -----
From: Keeshond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: [MP3 ENCODER] The best decoders

> >Which do you consider to be the best decoder ? I have convinced myself
> Winamp 2.22 sounds better than later versions - but it may be
> self-deception!
> Poor Eric,
> Off course, I didn't mean Nitrane!  I thought everyone here knows Shibath
> plug-in for Winamp, in_mpg123.dll, which is based on MPG123 dveloped on
> Linux.  http://www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis/9674/in_mpg123.html  You
> know, Shibath is one of the 'LAME persons'.  ;o)  Probaly, you will be
> listenning to his new psycho acustic in the coming LAME versions.
> Want some scientific detum?  Please go to David's page at
> http://www.David.Robinson.org/mp3decoders/

Aye, - pity me ! :)

In fact I had switched from Winamp 2.5 to 2.22 from what I had read
on David's website.Now I shall try Shibath's  plug-in too. I thought from
your response you had even later information,,,,,,



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