>::  I run gcc 2.95.(3) and SAS/C (the latter is usually much more helpful on
>::  warnings, and still much more forgiving on "errors")...
>Can you add g++ for testing?
>Or also some other C++ compiler?
>Or use gcc at monday/wednesday and friday and g++ at the rest?

I have no incentive to use C++ at all, infact I'm not even interested...

>::  Ofcos, as I said, the best thing is to use the correct one to begin with,
>::  but if that isn't possible, atleast cast the value into the correct one.
>Write a (inline) function to convert from type A to type B.
>Wild type casting in C is one of the most dangerous things.

I'm not talking about "wild" typecasting, I'm saying that strict, controlled
typecasting can be good, instead of leaving it up to the compiler to make the
choices (which might not always be the correct one)...

>C can't cast from type A to type B. There is only the possibility to
>cast every shit to type B. And this is dangerous.
>So you write a
>  int     ifreq;
>  double  dfreq;
>  ifreq = (int) ( dfreq );
>and now dfreq changes the type to 'struct bla*'. 
>C converts this without batting an eyelid.

What the hell are you on about?!

Oh, w8, you mean if some smartass changes dfreq to a struct without checking
the code, or atleast changing the name so these kinds of conflicts can occur?

I'd say he'd be downright stupid. ;)


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