Hi Everyone,

I haven't been keeping up with things for the last week, because
my wife and I just had our first baby :-)  (baby's requisite website:

Anyway, now LAME CVS fails all my test cases.  This is normal since
small changes in just the order of operations will show up in these
tests.  I normally then track down exactly what is responsible and
make sure I understand what is going on.  But in this case it looks like
this will not be possible: There are massive differences in every
single file.  Most of them may be long overdue, but for the most part 
they are related to coding style and/or cosmetic.

It is not approrpriate for new developers to make so many changes so
quickly without consulting the rest of us.  

Later today I will move the latest CVS version into a branch,
and revert the main branch back to 'cvs update -D "Aug 31 2000 12:00"'


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