> From: Frank Klemm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Good C Code should be compilable with (nearly) all C(89/95/99)

Agreed. (Although there is some perfectly good C89/95 code that is broken by
changes in C99 - see endless arguments in news:comp.std.c)

> and C++ compilers.

Good C code compilable as C++ tends to be *bad* C++ code, so why bother? Let
the two languages concentrate on what they're good at...

But if you're intent on compiling C with a C++ compiler, an automated
translator is probably the best approach: you don't need to
break/weaken/obfuscate your C code that way.

-- Mat.
MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( http://geek.rcc.se/mp3encoder/ )

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