> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Balazic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sigbjřrn Skjćret wrote:
> > >/* in my man page va_start has only one argument (ap) ... */
> > 
> > Your man-page is wrong then I think, the second argument is 
> so that va_arg()
> > knows where to start (ie, it makes ap point to the next argument).
> HP-UX 10.20 man varargs say that it has only one arg.
> /usr/include/varargs.h on the same system has definitions
> with both two or one argument. Which one is used is dependent 
> on some preprocessor variables ( platform/CPU type , I guess ).
> A linux libc5 system has a definition in include files with 
> one arg too.

<varargs.h> is pre-ANSI and non-standard - use <stdarg.h> for the standard
stuff. Should be

  va_arg(ap, type)

-- Mat.
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