Please correct me if my terminology is incorrect.  I have one last
question on the phase inversion subject, then I promise to go away
until I have something more interesting to discuss.

I am given to understand that converting an MP3 to .wav and back can
produce undesirable artifacts.  (While I am curious as to the reasons
for this, I can surmise, and knowing why is not my main goal here.)  So I
can't use this method to fix phase.

However, resampling, taking an MP3 as input to LAME and writing it
back out at a different bit rate (which I've done thousands of times)
doesn't have this problem.  Since there is no way to simply modify
an MP3 file for the purposes of inverting one channel's phase, is
it possible to do so in the process of resampling, and in so doing
not degrade the signal quality?  If your answer to this is simply
'yes', then I would be happy to take this as a challenge and go to
the Source, although further enhancement would be appreciated.

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