On 2015/05/21 09:02, Yclept Nemo <orbisvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > And how do you know the bug is the same on the build machine as on the
> > machine running MPD?
> >
> Hmm, I didn't consider this. The problem is not that the build machine
> suffers the bug while distribution machines don't, but vice verse. First
> scenario, mpd applies unnecessary but harmless fchmod, second scenario my
> patch fails to fix mpd. Can you suggest a better approach?

What you described are two ways to approach this problem:

1) Always do fchmod() (but with a big fat code comment!  And only if
   building with glibc)

2) do nothing, and if users complain, tell them to upgrade their buggy
   C library.  That's not our bug, after all!

I always prefer (2).  MPD uses so many libraries, and if I would add
workarounds for all old versions of all libraries, MPD would be a huge
mess.  Many years ago, I decided I wouldn't add any workarounds for
library bugs, and it turned out bugs really got fixed in those
libraries, and eventually users upgraded their libraries!  That made
such problems go away.

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