
Last weekend I had the chance to play with an Aurender N10 device on a trade show, and verify the claim this device is running MPD as stated on the CA forum:


I got permission from the owner to scan his N10 using my Linux laptop, so I fired up nmap to discover the IP of the Aurender, which was connected to his Belkin router:

[root@localhost ~]# nmap -sP

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2017-11-18 17:44 CET
Nmap scan report for router.belkin (
Host is up (0.00050s latency).
MAC Address: EC:1A:59:A5:C1:7A (Belkin International)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00024s latency).
MAC Address: 00:23:F2:00:44:8F (TVLogic)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.010s latency).
MAC Address: 90:8D:6C:63:94:C4 (Apple)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up.
Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (4 hosts up) scanned in 28.05 seconds

So it looks Aurender is using the MAC address range from their parent company, TVLogic. TVLogic acquired the company behind Aurender:

In the source code as mentioned in the link below, it seems Aurender changed the default MPD port from 6600 to 3300, so I wanted to confirm this.


To my surprise, port 3300 was not used on this N10, but it had several unknown ports listening:

[root@localhost ~]# nmap -sS -p1-65535

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2017-11-18 17:51 CET
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00010s latency).
Not shown: 65527 closed ports
80/tcp    open  http
111/tcp   open  rpcbind
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn
445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds
5002/tcp  open  rfe
12019/tcp open  unknown
13019/tcp open  unknown
43676/tcp open  unknown
MAC Address: 00:23:F2:00:44:8F (TVLogic)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 16.03 seconds

So I tried to use mpc with the first unknown port, and I could control his Aurender device from the mpc command line:

[root@localhost ~]# mpc -h -p 12019 status
Music1/[Pop]/Daft Punk/Random Access Memories/01 Daft Punk - Give Life Back to Music.wav
[paused]  #82/1130   3:59/4:35 (86%)
volume:  0%   repeat: off   random: off   single: off   consume: off
[root@localhost ~]# mpc -h -p 12019 version
mpd version: 0.17.0

[root@localhost ~]# mpc -h -p 12019 ls
Barbra Streisand - I Still Can See Your Face With Andrea Bocelli
Playlist 5 Stars
Playlist BLUES demo
Playlist JAZZ demo
Playlist KLASSIEK demo
Playlist POP demo

This was very amusing as Aurender customers believe Aurender invented their own player and app. The above was tested on saturday but I did not have much time to do everything I wanted to do, on sunday the N10 had a new IP after a reboot, and I could control the volume, and also check the outputs, start a track, go to next track .... which the owner asked: can you do this or that? Yes:

[root@localhost ~]# mpc -h -p 12019 outputs
Output 1 (Dummy) is enabled
Output 2 (USBDAC0) is enabled
[root@localhost ~]# mpc -h -p 12019 play
Music1/[Pop]/Allan Taylor/Colour to the Moon/08 Allan Taylor - Colour to the Moon.wav
[playing] #65/1133   0:00/0:00 (0%)
volume:100%   repeat: off   random: off   single: off   consume: off
[root@localhost ~]# mpc -h -p 12019 volume 10
Music1/[Pop]/Allan Taylor/Colour to the Moon/08 Allan Taylor - Colour to the Moon.wav
[playing] #65/1133   0:05/4:34 (1%)
volume: 10%   repeat: off   random: off   single: off   consume: off
[root@localhost ~]# mpc -h -p 12019 volume 50
Music1/[Pop]/Allan Taylor/Colour to the Moon/08 Allan Taylor - Colour to the Moon.wav
[playing] #65/1133   0:16/4:34 (5%)
volume: 50%   repeat: off   random: off   single: off   consume: off
[root@localhost ~]# mpc -h -p 12019 next
Music1/[Pop]/2 Meter Sessies/Het Beste Van 2 Meter Sessies 1987-2009 (Disc 3)/07 Milow - Milow-The Priest.wav
[playing] #3/1108   0:00/0:00 (0%)
volume:100%   repeat: off   random: off   single: off   consume: off
[root@localhost ~]# mpc -h -p 12019 status
Music1/[Pop]/2 Meter Sessies/Het Beste Van 2 Meter Sessies 1987-2009 (Disc 3)/07 Milow - Milow-The Priest.wav
[playing] #3/1108   0:08/7:18 (1%)
volume:100%   repeat: off   random: off   single: off   consume: off

This proves that the very old mpd 0.17.0 was distributed to this TVLogic (Aurender) based device. The Aurender box did not come with bundled source code, or a written offer.

Aurender modified MPD to do SSD caching and include a DSD decoder and never gave back their patches to the community (e.g. this mailing list). The never gave credit to MPD, but did the opposite by obfuscating the use of MPD as they named the player "auplayer". They also tried to cover up their tracks, as Eric Shim from Aurender removed his fork of mpd-upnp from github, once the violation was discovered some years ago:


It was thanks to the above link, that the usage of MPD by Aurender was being suggested. This page is now gone, but it was mentioned in the CA forum, and proof can still be found here:


How can such GPL violation be allowed to continue? In 2014 we used MPD 0.19 and we even posted this on the mailing list that our own product was possible thanks to MPD, and also posted our patch for the sox recipes which improved resampling quality. We never tried to hide the fact that we used MPD. But some companies think they can take an open source package and sell it as if they reinvented the wheel. It goes even further, as Aurender is now including the proprietary MQA format into their products, a format which is very bad for open source projects, as MQA basically took a flac container to include non-nyquist data embedded under the noise floor, which contains crypto DRM'ed audio. This can't be good for music and open source:


Best regards,

Frederic Vanden Poel


+32 473 79 36 91
Blauwe Paal 45
9230 Wetteren

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